The Grade of West Lake Longjing tea

January 07, 2019

The Grade of West Lake Longjing tea

In 1995, West Lake Longjing Tea was divided into special grade, and one to four grades, of which special grade was divided into first special grade, second special grade and third special grade.

Special Grade: the leaves are flat and glossy, with a ratio of 1 bud to 1 slightly spreading leaf;

Special Grade

First Grade: the leaves are flat and clean, with the ratio of 1 bud to 1 spreading leaf and 1 bud to 2 slightly spreading leaves;

First Grade

Second Grade: leaves are slightly flat, with the ratio of 1 bud to 2 spreading leaves;

Second Grade

Third Grade: leaves are slightly flat, with most of the leaves are 1 bud to 2 spreading leaves, and seldom 2 leaves;

Third Grade

Forth Grade: leaves are wide and seldom flat or clean, with the ratio of 1 bud to 2 or 3 spreading leaves.

Forth Grade